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Our Impact
HomeBiogas in Kenya: Transforming Lives Through Clean Energy and Sustainable Farming 
In just three years, HomeBiogas has positively impacted over 3,000 Kenyan farming families. Our technology has reached remote communities,…
3 Minute read
Our Impact
New portfolio company in Kenya scaling up access to clean cooking through biogas solutions
In an exciting development for sustainable technology and environmental stewardship, HomeBiogas has been officially awarded the Gold…
3 Minute read
Knowledge Center
Top 10 Most Effective Ways to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Cutting emissions is a global effort, not just the work of a single community. Yet, the fight against greenhouse gas emissions also relies…
11 Minute read
Our Impact
HomeBiogas Achieves Gold Standard Certification: A Leap Towards Sustainable Living in Kenya
In an exciting development for sustainable technology and environmental stewardship, HomeBiogas has been officially awarded the Gold…
3 Minute read
Green Living
All You Need to Know About Clean Cooking
Universal access to clean cooking reduces household air pollution, protects the environment, and empowers women. Learn more about clean…
10 Minute read
Knowledge Center
How Cow Methane Contributes to Climate Change
The global scale of cattle farming for dairy and beef production is a considerable source of greenhouse gases.
10 Minute read
Our Impact
Fueling the Future: A Woman’s Rise in the World of Biogas
The first time I cooked on a HomeBiogas system it was to prepare lunch for my future boss’s children. I never could have imagined that the…
6 Minute read
Knowledge Center
Organic Waste Composter: A Sustainable Solution for Food Scraps and Yard Waste
Turn your food waste into a resource: here’s how to start with an organic waste composter. 
9 Minute read
Green Living
5 Effective Strategies for Kitchen Waste Disposal: Minimizing Environmental Impact
Your kitchen waste disposal choices can create emissions or become a valuable resource. Here’s how you make a difference. 
9 Minute read
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