HomeBiogas has made its way into over 100 countries across the globe, but it has been making waves in one particularly special country: Australia. With Australia’s scenic landscape and plentiful sun, it is no wonder that it is home to such a thriving environmental movement. It is this, coupled with a strong desire to live independently from big energy companies imposing rising prices and the development of the renewable energy field, which has pushed a growing number of Australians to embrace living “off the grid”. A testament to this trend – Australia has the highest rate of residential solar panel installations worldwide, according to the Energy Supply Association of Australia. Perhaps soon it will claim the title as one of the countries with the highest HomeBiogas unit usage worldwide!
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Designed for the next generation of green innovation.
HomeBiogas systems could prove to be very useful to Australian households, who according to the Australian EPA, waste one in five shopping bags of groceries they buy. One in five shopping bags accumulates to a loss of $3,800 worth of groceries per household each year. A HomeBiogas system will be able to save those would-be groceries and generate monetary value from them, in the form of FREE cooking gas and bio-fertilizer. As HomeBiogas systems are becoming more and more popular in Australia, we want to highlight a few notable HomeBiogas customers.
Living the self-sufficient dream- Dandenong Ranges
Rachel lives in Victoria, Australia, in the beautiful Dandenong Ranges with her husband Russell and their two children, Ryan and Rhys. The family try to be as self-sufficient as possible on their 5 acres of land, having installed solar panels and a 40,000 litre water tank at home. They grow a fruit and vegetable garden and have a small flock of livestock which includes sheep, chickens, quail and ducks. In addition to enjoying cooking by wood and solar energy, over the past year Rachel and Russell have added cooking on biogas to their routine.
In this video, Rachel provide’s an overview of their journey with the HomeBiogas system. Starting from the initial purchase in 2019, she discusses the installation process and their usage of the system since then.
By feeding their food waste to the HomeBiogas system, the family see firsthand that by diverting it from landfills it can become a useful product. Whether it be by putting waste into the compost, feeding it to the chickens or putting it into the HomeBiogas system, Rachel is happy that her kids understand the impact of the waste they create.
“I love that my HomeBiogas supports being end-to-end self-sufficient in our food-cycle,” explains Rachel. “We fertilize the plants with the liquid fertilizer, pick the fresh food, cook it on our HomeBiogas burner and then if there is any food waste it goes back into the HomeBiogas to continue the cycle.”
HomeBiogas in the Australian Dandenong Ranges
The “simple life” author, blogger and advocate – Melbourne, Australia
Samuel Alexander is the creator of The Simplicity Collective, an online forum revolving around the idea that a simpler life, one consisting of less energy and resource consumption, is more socially, environmentally, and spiritually sound. This movement, which stands in opposition to consumer culture, is also sometimes referred to as ‘the quiet revolution’. As part of Alexander’s devotion to reducing his consumption, specifically of fossil fuels, he has invested in a HomeBiogas system and has written an independent assessment of his experience. In another article he authored, entitled HomeBiogas: Turning Food Waste Into Renewable Energy Alexander backs HomeBiogas as a product and promotes HomeBiogas systems as the way to a sustainable future:
“In an age of worrying climate change and looming fossil energy decline, the benefits of biogas are obvious. It is a renewable energy source with zero net greenhouse emissions. And yet its potential has largely gone untapped, at least in the developed world. Based on my research and experience, I contend that home-produced biogas is an extremely promising technology whose time has come. In fact, I believe it could provoke a domestic green energy revolution, if only we let it.”
HomeBiogas: turning waste into energy
The bee people – Nannup, Australia
Stewart, Bee, and their son run a small organic farm business in Nannup, Western Australia. They are passionate about permaculture practices, combating climate change, and of course, fresh and tasty food. They enjoy and take pride in watching the earth they’ve worked slowly regenerate and flourish. Their permaculture practices include the humane use of animals, bees, and their HomeBiogas system to recycle their animal manure and create rich, liquid bio-fertilizer.
Bee is active on Youtube and shows how she uses both outputs of HomeBiogas. Here you can see how he uses the organic liquid fertilizer or effluent to nourish her food garden. The biodigestion process does not destroy the nutrients of the food, rather the effluent is packed with nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous.
Here is a video of Bee using the biogas made from the HomeBiogas unit to cook a bone broth. To conserve energy Bee says that she uses the biogas to get the broth boiling, and then she uses a haybox- a nonelectric way to keep food a consistent temperature.
Living tiny and green- Byron Bay, Australia
Awesome power couple Paul and Annett picked up and left their trendy apartment in Sydney one year ago to lead a life that more so matched their inner values. Both are adamant environmentalists with an impressive set of skills for the various DIY projects they’ve taken on – the biggest being the creation of their own tiny house on wheels! Their ultimate goal is to create a zero emission home complete with a HomeBiogas biodigestor for cooking and waste disposal! The two have closely documented their journey on their blog, Living Tiny and Green, and through various social media platforms.
Since Paul and Annette are very causous about their impact, they don’t quite have a ton of food waste. Their solution: to pick up extra food waste from the local New Brighton Farmers Market so that they can feel their HomeBiogas system.
As for the cooking experience with biogas? The couple’s stove is split between an induction cooktop run off solar power and a cooktop run on homemade biogas from HomeBiogas!
The HomeBiogas system near their tiny home in Byron Bay!
We hope that seeing some of these HomeBiogas customers in Australia has inspired you. Many of them are living an off-the-grid lifestyle, trying to live autonomously, not connected to the municipal supply of water, sewage, gas, electricity, or any other mass utility infrastructure. The movement has gained a growing number of followers, though each individual and family has their own reasons for making the leap. Some make the change to reduce their ecological footprint or get more in touch with nature while others take part due to cost-efficiency or their desire to become truly independent. Just like the reasons behind making this lifestyle change are unique and diverse, so are our customers. We are proud of our unique and wonderful Australian “biogasers”, and are happy to share their connection to HomeBiogas with the world.
If you want to get your very own HomeBiogas backyard system, click here!
From our blog
Our Impact
Rebuilding ‘Atata Si’i: A Story of Resilience, Partnership, and Innovation
When the community first arrived, the land felt empty and unfamiliar. Now, every day, something grows—something they planted. Pacific Grow is transforming lives through innovation and by utilizing HomeBiogas systems.
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Our Impact
Your Business Footprint: Why It Matters and How to Measure It
Visit the HomeBiogas website to learn more about carbon offsetting and how we can help your business achieve its sustainability goals!
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Our Impact
HomeBiogas 2023 Impact Report
We are delighted to present our 2022 Impact Report, in which we share our progress and achievements towards a more sustainable future.
HomeBiogas is taking action on climate
change and sustainability by helping
people, companies, organizations, cities
and countries achieve zero waste and netzero CO2 emissions targets and reduce their
environmental footprints.
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